Inosaki Sdn Bhd all items prices is Ex-Works. When importing on Ex-Works terms the buyer is responsible for the whole shipment from door to door. All costs and liabilities are with the buyer.

Inosaki Sdn Bhd shall use reasonable endeavors to deliver Products of acceptable quality to the delivery address specified and keyed in by the Customer but Inosaki Sdn Bhd cannot guarantee any firm delivery time and  Inosaki Sdn Bhd shall not be liable for any delay in its delivery services, if the delay has been due to causes beyond the control of  Inosaki Sdn Bhd.

No delivery services shall be available on Sunday & public holidays.

The Customer is to notify  Inosaki Sdn Bhd immediately of a change to his delivery address and contact number.

Where Customer is not available to receive the delivery, a notification card will be left at the delivery address. An attempt will be made to contact the Customer for a second delivery. If delivery is delayed due to the Customer’s undue delay or unreasonable refusal to accept delivery or if the Customer fails or refuses to collect the Products within seven (7) days from the date of second notification, the Order will be deemed void and has no further effect but the Customer shall bear all the relevant cost incurred by  Inosaki Sdn Bhd (including but not limited to the delivery cost and administrative charges).

If the Customer is not personally available to accept delivery, a representative may accept delivery on behalf of the Customer provided always that the said representative must be over 18 years of age and capable of receiving the delivery. The Customer or its representative may be required to produce proof of identity on delivery or collection of Products and all deliveries shall be signed off by the Customer or its representative on the delivery invoices.

Inosaki Sdn Bhd reserves the right to withhold delivery of the Products to the Customer if it has any doubts whatsoever as to the Customer’s credit worthiness or insufficient identification.